Many very unhappy residents attended 27th September Flightpath Watch meeting
There was excellent attendance at our meeting on Tuesday, 27th September – standing room only! The FPW Committee would like to thank you for coming and for spreading the word about the meeting to your friends and neighbours. We hope you found the meeting helpful and took away the key messages about the need for immediate and vociferous action so that the Council is in no doubt that they need to recognise the strength of feeling among residents about the impact Biggin Hill Airport is having on our lives when it comes to making its decision on the Noise Action Plan (NAP) in October.
We have listened to the comments and ideas expressed during the meeting and will be doing all we can in the time available to implement as many of the suggestions as possible in order to ensure we reach the maximum audience.
The Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development Scrutiny Committee, which will discuss the Airport’s NAP (Noise Action Plan) review and will make its recommendation to the Executive is planned for 18th October and the Executive meeting that will ratify those recommendations (or not, as the case may be) is on 19th October. Both will be held at the Council’s main chamber at the Civic Centre at 7pm. It is very important that both meetings are well attended by the public so that members of both committees can be in no doubt about the strength of feeling. We will send out full details of the venue and other information which might be useful to anyone who has not previously attended a Council meeting.
As requested by several of you, we will also suggest the main topics to address to the Council, once we have had sight of the NAP Review and the council officer’s report on it. Meanwhile, it cannot hurt if people write to the Council expressing disappointment that the Council has not done more to keep to its promises, thus causing us a Summer not to be repeated.
Thank you once again for such a tremendous demonstration of support.