10 October 24 ERCPDS Meeting – Airport refused to attend
Thank you if you were able to attend the meeting of the ERCPDS Committee on 10th October or followed it on the live streaming service. The meeting was held in a committee room, not the Council Chamber due to the Council’s imminent move to Churchill Court scheduled for 20th December 2024. The acoustics were very poor and following the discussions was difficult.
Flightpath Watch were asked to make a presentation to Councillors outlining their position on the NAP Revision, as were BHAL, who declined. The main issues we presented are summarised as follows;
- Residents are affected by larger aircraft over longer hours.
- Uncontrolled aircraft noise increasing.
- The continued absence of the new approach to Runway 03.
- The cap of 50K movements pa.still to be decided.
- The Biggin Hill Airport Consultative Committee (BHACC) failing to comply with DfT guidelines.
- The BHACC failing to admit representatives from all resident groups under the flight paths.
- The BHACC processing of complaints is inadequate and under resourced.
The Council has uploaded the meeting to You Tube and it can be found at:
The discussions on the Biggin Hill Airport item start at around minute 16.
The airport is urging the CAA to provide agreement to their submission regarding the trial of Runway 03, scheduled for October 24 which is still outstanding.
Cllr. Marlow reiterated that negotiations between LBB/BHAL continue and that there would be no agreement until all three parties, the LBB, BHAL and residents had a good resolution.
The Chair of the ERCPDS, Cllr. Fawthrop, said that decisions regarding the NAP Revision would be put to residents for consultation before being finalised but were still confidential.
We shall continue to keep you appraised of matters but please contact us by email to info@flightpathwatch.co.uk with any comments or queries.
Best regards
Flightpath Watch Ltd.