Biggin Hill Noise Action Plan Review – Further Update
Following our last newsletter to you dated 21st October, I wanted to update everyone on Flightpath Watch’s next steps in supporting residents’ concerns about Biggin Hill Airport Ltd not honouring their pledges made at the time the increased operating hours were approved in 2015. The Noise Action Plan (NAP) Review needs to recognise these pledges.
The Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development Scrutiny (ERCPDS) Committee on the 18th October agreed on the need for all the NAP Review documentation to be published and for residents to provide feedback to the review. This was a repeat of the Council wishes confirmed and minuted at the Council Executive in January 2022. Flightpath Watch have written to the Council asking for their reassurance that we have all this documentation.
The Council have made it very clear that they wish to review the existing NAP in January now, then produce a revised version with amendments and improvements going forward. And if this is going to be the case, this philosophy has to apply equally to both residents and the airport. Flightpath Watch will go through the NAP documentation with a fine tooth comb to make sure that nothing is allowed to creep in which cannot be undone when the revised NAP is adopted. During this month we will be working hard to compile a comprehensive report of all the issues concerning residents as part of this NAP Review. It will be written in such a way that it will highlight items that were imbedded in the existing NAP, and those that have been introduced during the review process by any party, and which will constitute a revision to the NAP so that they can be considered separately.
We will share this document with you in December and send it to the Council as the residents’ feedback, as part of the January 2023 NAP Review.
Again, Flightpath Watch will be seeking your support to continue your communications with your Councillors on these specific issues as they are identified and writing to your ward councillors. Also, to attend in large numbers, with family friends and neighbours, the January 2023 Scrutiny and Executive Committees. Details will be given to you as they become known, nearer the time.
In addition, we hope to be able to raise Environmental issues further by holding a public meeting with an environmental expert. Further details will be confirmed in a future newsletter once arrangements are in place.
Our newsletters will continue to keep you updated with developments and concerns as they arise. Please pass on the information to your neighbours and friends. The issues listed in the flyer that accompanied a previous newsletter are still relevant, albeit analysis has been postponed until January, and can be found on here if you no longer have a copy.
Our sincere thanks for your support so far.
Please keep in touch with us and with your Councillors.
Thank you.